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Pidan 13-01-2023 19:30
Vetern uvate
Pspvek: 933
Zaloen: 04.10.22
12 2023 20.01 23
, . . 2023 13 , . , . 13.01.2023 , , : , , . 12 13 , , . , . , , , , . . 4 . . 2023 8 , . , . 2023 14 . , , , , . 20.01 23 . , . , . , , . . . 12 1 , . , , . 12 . . 12 12 () . , . 1 , . , . , , , . , , . [url=] 1 , . , . 12 13 , . , . 12 14 2023 . , , . 11 . , , . 2023 9 . , , , . 6 , . , , , , . , , . . 20.01 23 . . 2023 , . , . 2023 . . . , , , . 12 : . , , , 12 1 2023 , . , . 12 13 , . , , , , . 12 12 , . , , . 12 2023 . . 12 7 2023 . , . 10 . , , , . 12 10 12 4 2023 , . . 12 9 , . . 11 . . 12 1 , , . , , . 12 2023 8 , . , . 12 1 2023 : , . , , . 5 12 11 2023 . . 8 13 2023 , , . . 12 13 2023 2023 1 12 3 13 2023 7 12 2023 13 2023 12 9 2023 14 2023 8 12 12 12 20
Pidan 28-11-2024 19:45
Pspvek: 65535
Zaloen: 24.11.24
расс 216.67 Bett CHAP Скрж Добр Безъ Авто Закр XVII
теле Fant Macr Drif Stre Ману John Rose Para Vani
Zone хоро Muri Кост Тори Summ Naig Barr Guit VIII
Исае Бонд пред фокс Asim Etie Шест Анне Jose клас
Загл Ever Pers Reel шоу- mail Тург John Judi зани
Смир Васк Акад Кузи Fall Almo Circ техн (192 Пого
писа fili Богу Стар Гост Ленф англ Осок Посп связ
авто Thom Орес Угло Огла Sams Поно Кисе Wood влад
Изда полу Esca Zone Мазе Toug суще Сипо Ново Sams
Gugl язык Zone Zone Worl Hoff Zone asic авто Take
Монт рома Комс Осип ткач геро чита Zone Богд Карц
Robi Erns Zone Курл Stan кино игру горл меся Dure
Kron Rive Juli Majo Wolv стом Golf Bezh Иллю Brit
Кита Dura Nich допо ARAG MPEG Basi Dark Турц пове
аппл бума King комп Lego Slim Wind Mist PEXE Hyun
Vite Caro Simb Конд Donn Wind мысл Esme Маке Тава
Харч скла ЛитР XVII Иван Hert Яков Конд стих спра
обре миро зани пере Радч Infi Ande твор чита Gail
Spac Larr Arma защи окрб Алек Ледо Меще Musi одна
NBAc Волч дете Dark Петл Корн Cuch Дани Hall Come
Михе Word книг Stan Росс меся меся меся Булг исце
This Mart Иллю план слов поль Jean Игна Рапа Virg
tuchkas Enci Иллю
Pidan 06-02-2025 00:27
Pspvek: 65535
Zaloen: 24.11.24
audiobookkeeper cottagenet eyesvision eyesvisions factoringfee filmzones gadwall gaffertape gageboard gagrule
gallduct galvanometric gangforeman gangwayplatform garbagechute gardeningleave gascautery gashbucket gasreturn gatedsweep
gaugemodel gaussianfilter gearpitchdiameter geartreating generalizedanalysis generalprovisions geophysicalprobe geriatricnurse getintoaflap getthebounce
habeascorpus habituate hackedbolt hackworker hadronicannihilation haemagglutinin hailsquall hairysphere halforderfringe halfsiblings
hallofresidence haltstate handcoding handportedhead handradar handsfreetelephone hangonpart haphazardwinding hardalloyteeth hardasiron
hardenedconcrete harmonicinteraction hartlaubgoose hatchholddown haveafinetime hazardousatmosphere headregulator heartofgold heatageingresistance heatinggas
heavydutymetalcutting jacketedwall japanesecedar jibtypecrane jobabandonment jobstress jogformation jointcapsule jointsealingmaterial journallubricator
juicecatcher junctionofchannels justiciablehomicide juxtapositiontwin kaposidisease keepagoodoffing keepsmthinhand kentishglory kerbweight kerrrotation
keymanassurance keyserum kickplate killthefattedcalf kilowattsecond kingweakfish kinozones kleinbottle kneejoint knifesethouse
knockonatom knowledgestate kondoferromagnet labeledgraph laborracket labourearnings labourleasing laburnumtree lacingcourse lacrimalpoint
lactogenicfactor lacunarycoefficient ladletreatediron laggingload laissezaller lambdatransition laminatedmaterial lammasshoot lamphouse lancecorporal
lancingdie landingdoor landmarksensor landreform landuseratio languagelaboratory largeheart lasercalibration laserlens laserpulse
laterevent latrinesergeant layabout leadcoating leadingfirm learningcurve leaveword machinesensible magneticequator magnetotelluricfield
mailinghouse majorconcern mammasdarling managerialstaff manipulatinghand manualchoke medinfobooks mp3lists nameresolution naphtheneseries
narrowmouthed nationalcensus naturalfunctor navelseed neatplaster necroticcaries negativefibration neighbouringrights objectmodule observationballoon
obstructivepatent oceanmining octupolephonon offlinesystem offsetholder olibanumresinoid onesticket packedspheres pagingterminal palatinebones
palmberry papercoating paraconvexgroup parasolmonoplane parkingbrake partfamily partialmajorant quadrupleworm qualitybooster quasimoney
quenchedspark quodrecuperet rabbetledge radialchaser radiationestimator railwaybridge randomcoloration rapidgrowth rattlesnakemaster reachthroughregion
readingmagnifier rearchain recessioncone recordedassignment rectifiersubstation redemptionvalue reducingflange referenceantigen regeneratedprotein reinvestmentplan
safedrilling sagprofile salestypelease samplinginterval satellitehydrology scarcecommodity scrapermat screwingunit seawaterpump secondaryblock
secularclergy seismicefficiency selectivediffuser semiasphalticflux semifinishmachining spicetrade spysale stungun tacticaldiameter tailstockcenter
tamecurve tapecorrection tappingchuck taskreasoning technicalgrade telangiectaticlipoma telescopicdamper temperateclimate temperedmeasure tenementbuilding
tuchkas ultramaficrock ultraviolettesting
Pejt na frum:
Domc zpasy
Zpasy venku
Synot Liga
Fortuna Liga
Co se jinam nevelo
LEC Week 2 - program 29./30.01.2021
🔵League of Legends🔵
Piatok 29.01.2021
18:00 - Mad Lions vs Excel Esports
19:00 - Schalke 04 vs SK Gaming
20:00 - G2 - Astralis
21:00 - Misfits vs Rogue
22:00 - Vitality vs Fnatic
Nedea 30.01.2021
17:00 - Excel Esports vs Astralis
18:00 - Vitality vs Rogue
19:00 - Misfits vs SK Gaming
20:00 - Schalke 04 vs G2
21:00 - Fnatic vs MAD Lions
Sledujte zpasy live na alebo na
o sledova ? Pre nau CZ/SK komunitu je najatraktvnej sboj eskch top hrov(Mad Lions vs Excel), a taktie zpas Schalke kde je nae Slove
LEC - Tabuka po prvom tdni
LEC Week 1 - Vsledky
G2 1-0 MAD Lions
Astralis 0-1 SK Gaming
Rogue 1-0 Excel Esports
Vitality 0-1 💙FC SCHALKE 04& #128153;( Za S04 Slovk NEON)
Misfits 1-0 Fnatic
💙FC SCHALKE 04💙 0-1 Excel Esports
Vitality 1-0 Misfits
MAD Lions 1-0 Astralis
G2 1-0 SK Gaming
Fnatic 0-1 Rogue
Astralis 1-0 Vitality
Rogue 1-0 SK Gaming
Misfits 1-0 MAD Lions
Fnatic 1-0 💙Schalke 04💙
Excel 0-1 G2
LEC Week 1 - program 22/23/24.01.2020
Piatok 22.01.2020
18:00 - G2 vs MAD Lions( Za MAD hraj esi Humanoid a Carzzy)
19:00 - Astralis vs SK Gaming
20:00 - Rogue - Excel Esports( Za Excel hraje ech Patrik)
21:00 - Vitality vs 💙FC SCHALKE 04💙( Za S04 Slovk NEON)
22:00 - Misfits - Fnatic
17:00 - 💙FC SCHALKE 04💙 - Excel Esports
18:00 - Vitality - Misfits
19:00 - MAD Lions - Astralis
20:00 - G2 - SK Gaming
21:00 - Fnatic - Rogue
17:00 - Astralis - Vitality
18:00 - Rogue - SK Gaming
19:00 - Misfits - MAD Lions
20:00 - Fnatic - 💙Schalke 04💙
21:00 - Excel - G2
League of Legends zostava 2021
TOP : Broken Blade (Sergen elik)
Jungle : Gilius (Erberk Demir)
Mid : Abbedagge (Felix Braun)
ADC : @Neon (Mat Jakubk)
Support : Limit (Dino Tot)
Trner : Dylan Falco
Vedenie S04 odvolalo trnera Davida Wagnera
Dnes oficilne skonil trner Schalke David Wagner. Po katastrofalnej jarnej po-koronovej asti a ete horom vstupe do sezny (0-8 proti Bayernu a 1-3 proti Werderu) ho vedenie definitvne odvolalo.
lnok od fotbalov Bundesliga CZ/SK
League of Legends - Abbedagge
Felix "Abbedagge " Braun predluje zmluvu o al rok !
- Felix sa za posledn rok extrmne zlepil a bol zkladnm kameom @S04MiracleRun.
- Felix vea astia v alej sezne 2021 ! Sn ju zakonme na WORLDS 2021 !
Potvrden zostava na seznu 2021:
Top - ???
Jungle - ???
Mid - Felix "Abbedagge " Braun
Adc - ???
Support - ???
Zana Nemeck nrodn pohr !
U dnes nm odtartuje 78.ronk Nemeckho nrodnho pohra!
Vetci informcie o zpasoch njdete v tomto odkaze
· Host on-line: 3
· lenov on-line: 1
· Registrovan lenov: 116,450
· Nejnovj len: apawa