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Pejt na frum:
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Co se jinam nevelo
LEC Week 2 - program 29./30.01.2021
🔵League of Legends🔵
Piatok 29.01.2021
18:00 - Mad Lions vs Excel Esports
19:00 - Schalke 04 vs SK Gaming
20:00 - G2 - Astralis
21:00 - Misfits vs Rogue
22:00 - Vitality vs Fnatic
Nedea 30.01.2021
17:00 - Excel Esports vs Astralis
18:00 - Vitality vs Rogue
19:00 - Misfits vs SK Gaming
20:00 - Schalke 04 vs G2
21:00 - Fnatic vs MAD Lions
Sledujte zpasy live na alebo na
o sledova ? Pre nau CZ/SK komunitu je najatraktvnej sboj eskch top hrov(Mad Lions vs Excel), a taktie zpas Schalke kde je nae Slove
LEC - Tabuka po prvom tdni
LEC Week 1 - Vsledky
G2 1-0 MAD Lions
Astralis 0-1 SK Gaming
Rogue 1-0 Excel Esports
Vitality 0-1 💙FC SCHALKE 04& #128153;( Za S04 Slovk NEON)
Misfits 1-0 Fnatic
💙FC SCHALKE 04💙 0-1 Excel Esports
Vitality 1-0 Misfits
MAD Lions 1-0 Astralis
G2 1-0 SK Gaming
Fnatic 0-1 Rogue
Astralis 1-0 Vitality
Rogue 1-0 SK Gaming
Misfits 1-0 MAD Lions
Fnatic 1-0 💙Schalke 04💙
Excel 0-1 G2
LEC Week 1 - program 22/23/24.01.2020
Piatok 22.01.2020
18:00 - G2 vs MAD Lions( Za MAD hraj esi Humanoid a Carzzy)
19:00 - Astralis vs SK Gaming
20:00 - Rogue - Excel Esports( Za Excel hraje ech Patrik)
21:00 - Vitality vs 💙FC SCHALKE 04💙( Za S04 Slovk NEON)
22:00 - Misfits - Fnatic
17:00 - 💙FC SCHALKE 04💙 - Excel Esports
18:00 - Vitality - Misfits
19:00 - MAD Lions - Astralis
20:00 - G2 - SK Gaming
21:00 - Fnatic - Rogue
17:00 - Astralis - Vitality
18:00 - Rogue - SK Gaming
19:00 - Misfits - MAD Lions
20:00 - Fnatic - 💙Schalke 04💙
21:00 - Excel - G2
League of Legends zostava 2021
TOP : Broken Blade (Sergen elik)
Jungle : Gilius (Erberk Demir)
Mid : Abbedagge (Felix Braun)
ADC : @Neon (Mat Jakubk)
Support : Limit (Dino Tot)
Trner : Dylan Falco
Vedenie S04 odvolalo trnera Davida Wagnera
Dnes oficilne skonil trner Schalke David Wagner. Po katastrofalnej jarnej po-koronovej asti a ete horom vstupe do sezny (0-8 proti Bayernu a 1-3 proti Werderu) ho vedenie definitvne odvolalo.
lnok od fotbalov Bundesliga CZ/SK
League of Legends - Abbedagge
Felix "Abbedagge " Braun predluje zmluvu o al rok !
- Felix sa za posledn rok extrmne zlepil a bol zkladnm kameom @S04MiracleRun.
- Felix vea astia v alej sezne 2021 ! Sn ju zakonme na WORLDS 2021 !
Potvrden zostava na seznu 2021:
Top - ???
Jungle - ???
Mid - Felix "Abbedagge " Braun
Adc - ???
Support - ???
Zana Nemeck nrodn pohr !
U dnes nm odtartuje 78.ronk Nemeckho nrodnho pohra!
Vetci informcie o zpasoch njdete v tomto odkaze
· Host on-line: 4
· lenov on-line: 0
· Registrovan lenov: 116,606
· Nejnovj len: Victorait