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đĺěîíň ęŕđňđčäćŕ d101s
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ńíď÷ epson expression home xp |
Vikitwn |
Přidané 23-10-2022 17:27

Junior užívateľ

Příspěvek: 38
Založený: 04.10.22
del plz. |
Eldarknh |
Přidané 24-10-2022 15:00

Junior užívateľ

Příspěvek: 35
Založený: 29.09.22
Good afternoon .
I found your forum very attractive and promising.
I want order advertising space for a banner in the top of the site, for $ 1400 per month.
Pay I will be through WebMoney, 50% immediately, and 50% in 2 weeks. And yet, the address of my site https://russtoday.com/ - will it not contradict the topic? Thank you!
Please write about your decision to me in the PM or to the mail 1jannakuchinskaya20196@gmail.com |
Eldarvnn |
Přidané 24-10-2022 15:08

Junior užívateľ

Příspěvek: 26
Založený: 30.09.22
Good afternoon .
I found your forum very attractive and promising.
I want buy advertising space for a banner in the top of the site , for $ 1400 per month.
Pay I will be through WebMoney, 50% immediately, and 50% in 2 weeks. And yet, the address of my site https://russtoday.com/ - will it not contradict the topic? Thank you!
Please write about your decision to me in the PM or to the mail 1jannakuchinskaya20196@gmail.com |
Eldarfrs |
Přidané 24-10-2022 18:49

Junior užívateľ

Příspěvek: 33
Založený: 01.10.22
Good afternoon .
I found your forum very attractive and promising.
I want buy advertising space for a banner in the top of the site, for $ 1400 per month.
Pay I will be through WebMoney, 50% immediately, and 50% in 2 weeks. And yet, the address of my site https://russtoday.com/ - will it not contradict the topic? Thank you!
Write about your decision to me in the PM or to the mail 1jannakuchinskaya20196@gmail.com |
Antoniowrt |
Přidané 04-11-2022 14:07

Junior užívateľ

Příspěvek: 29
Založený: 22.10.22
Where is administration?
I'ts important.
Regards. |
Antoniokua |
Přidané 04-11-2022 14:51

Junior užívateľ

Příspěvek: 30
Založený: 22.10.22
Can I contact admin??
It is about advertisement on your website.
Thank. |
Antoniougt |
Přidané 04-11-2022 15:01

Junior užívateľ

Příspěvek: 32
Založený: 22.10.22
Where is admin?
I'ts important.
Regards. |